
Prerequisites and steps to install SimuQ


Download SimuQ from GitHub or .zip.


We have tested our implementation with Python 3.9 and the following packages:

  • NetworkX 2.8.7
  • NumPy 1.23.4
  • SciPy 1.9.3

To generate quantum circuits in Qiskit, IBM machine AAIS for specific machines, or programs in Qiskit Pulses, the following packages are also required:

  • Qiskit 0.38.0
  • Qiskit-Terra 0.21.2

The generated Bloqade programs are tested in Julia 1.7.2 with Bloqade 0.1.13.


Since Qiskit 0.38.0 requires Python version >= 3.9, if you want to use qiskit-related features, please update your Python to at least 3.9.


To install the prerequisites, run in terminal:

pip install networkx numpy scipy

Furthermore, to run qiskit-related code, run in terminal:

pip install qiskit==0.38.0 qiskit-terra

We recommend Qiskit version 0.38.0 because there are known bugs in Qiskit 0.39.0.

For the installation of Julia, please refer to Julialang website.

To install Bloqade, input ] in Julia to enter the package manager, and run add Bloqade.

Other platforms

To be added.